Digital Inclusion

Featured Digital Inclusion Resource Guide has created a guide to help organizations and individuals find digital inclusion resources.

The guide includes:

  • A list of nonprofit organizations and community resources addressing internet access gaps

  • Government assistance programs

  • Organizations that refurbish devices

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ISP Coverage

Need help finding an internet service provider for your area? Use our ISP Coverage Table to see which providers are available to offer you service.

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Grant Funding Guide

See featured and cyclical community development grants from all levels of government as well as local philanthropic organizations.

View the Guide

Check out this great resource! is a free tool you can use for finding internet service providers in your area. It also offers extra information such as ISP reviews, broadband "nutrition facts" labels, a data usage calculator, and even a dictionary of internet terms.

Try it now!

Indiana Broadband Office


The SEI Broadband Clearinghouse is proud to partner with the Indiana Broadband Office on our shared vision of helping every Hoosier close digital gaps in their communities.

BEAD Volume 2 Approval

Since 2021, the Indiana Broadband Office has been participating in BEAD (Broadband, Equity, Access, and Deployment), a federal program that provides $42 billion nationwide to expand high-speed broadband access. BEAD was funded by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and is overseen by the National Telecommunications Information Administration (NTIA). BEAD prioritizes unserved locations that have no internet access or limited access under 25/3 Mbps and underserved locations that only have access under 100/20 Mbps.

Indiana was awarded $868 million in BEAD funds to ensure that every Indiana resident has access to high-speed, reliable, affordable broadband access.

The Indiana Broadband Office is planning and currently determining exactly how BEAD funds will be spent in the state. The first step towards this planning is the drafting and submission of the Initial Proposal, a document that contains two volumes and describes how the Indiana Broadband Office will determine which addresses, called broadband serviceable locations (BSLs), in Indiana are eligible for these funds and how funds will be allocated and awarded to Internet Service Providers (ISPs).

The IBO is excited to share that National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) announced the approval of Indiana's Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Initial Proposal Volume II.

This now means Indiana's entire Initial Proposal has been approved.


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View maps created by the IBO or NTIA to see data on broadband coverage, public wifi and speed test results in Indiana.

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The Indiana Connectivity Program has be helping get hoosier homes connected by matching them with providers who win the bidding process for unserved addresses. Are you or someone you know unserved? Register your address today!

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The Indiana Speed Test measures connectivity data for the state which affects broadband funding. Take the speed test to see how your home measures up.
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Introducing Indiana's
Digital Equity Plan

The State of Indiana worked with the Purdue Center of Regional Development to develop a Digital Equity Plan. The plan attempts to address the digital gaps causing Hoosiers to fall behind, and strategies to help correct that. Read the plan to learn how you can help close the digital divide in your community.

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