About Us

READI's History
SEI READI stands for Southeast Indiana Regional Economic Acceleration and Development Initiative. This project was first commissioned in 2021 by Governor Eric Holcomb and administered by the Indiana Economic Development Corporation (IEDC) as a strategic investment package of $500M. The SEI region was allocated $15M for economic development. SIRPC submitted a separate project in accordance with their strategic plan and from that, the SEI Broadband Clearinghouse was born. This came from an recognized need to provide an easy-to-find and user-friendly resource for all things broadband related to help our region be digital ready. The Broadband Clearinghouse was formally approved by the IEDC on October 11, 2022.
We hope for the Broadband Clearinghouse to be a great tool and resource for everyone working to close digital gaps in our communities. Click on one of the links under “More Information” to explore more of the site.
For more information visit SEI READI.
More Information
To be an effective resource in closing the digital gap by strengthening the landscape of Southeast Indiana’s connected communities through improved internet accessibility and digital literacy.